Know the Safety Tips to Enjoy an Overnight Desert Safari in RAK

October 16, 2023by admin0
Overnight Desert Safari in RAK

Now that have you decided to visit Ras-Al-Khaimah (RAK) for an overnight desert safari, you should know what will happen there.  What’s best, everything will be better than an overnight desert safari in Dubai. But, this will happen only if you take care of your safety. 

A list of essential safety tips for your overnight desert safari

Choose a Reputable Safari Operator

Begin by choosing a reputable desert safari company with a track record of safety and client satisfaction. Read customer reviews, solicit feedback, and ensure that the company follows all safety requirements and standards. A well-established tour operator will have skilled guides and vehicles that are well-maintained, which contributes to a safer trip.

Stay Hydrated

The desert environment may be quite hot, especially during the day. Dehydration is a significant danger, so drink plenty of water throughout your safari. Water is usually provided by tour operators, but it’s a good idea to bring extra just in case. To avoid dehydration, avoid drinking alcohol before or during the safari.

Dress Appropriately

To stay cool in the desert heat, use lightweight, breathable clothing. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and SPF-rated sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. To protect your feet from the hot sand, wear closed-toe shoes, and bring a scarf or shawl to hide your face from blowing sand if necessary.

Fasten Your Seatbelt

Your 4×4 vehicle will cross steep sand dunes during the intense dune bashing experience. To protect your safety, you must always wear your seatbelt. The trip can be exciting and turbulent, but sitting seated is critical.

Follow Your Guide’s Instructions

Your safari guide is the best source of knowledge and safety recommendations. Pay strict attention to their directions and guidelines, especially if you’re going camel riding. These instructions are intended to keep you safe while having fun.

Carry a First Aid Kit

A simple first aid kit on hand is a prudent precaution. Bandages, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, and other personal prescriptions you may require should be included.

Watch the Sunset and Sunrise Safely

A pleasure of any overnight safari is watching the sun set and rise over the desert. Climbing dunes under low-light situations, on the other hand, should be done with caution and only with the help of an experienced desert safari driver provided by the tour operator. To avoid mishaps in dark, use a flashlight and pay attention to your steps.

Your RAK overnight desert safari is not only exciting but also safer and more pleasurable than the Dubai overnight desert safari. But, it’s important that you follow the safety guidelines discussed in this post. Remember that safety should never be sacrificed for the sake of adventure. With the proper measures, you may create memorable memories of your desert journey while remaining safe.


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